Rooted in Decency
Finding inner peace in a world gone sideways
It’s not hard to find examples of bad behavior these days. Whether we're looking at the increase in toxic workplaces, blatant deceptions, or violent reactions to everyday events, lack of respect and integrity in society today has people asking, What happened to common decency?
Practical Tips for Bridging Divides
Drawing on sources from neuroscience to ancient moral philosophy, Rooted In Decency delivers surprising insights about how we got into this uncivil state and how we can get out of it. Explore topics such as:
- How today’ culture affects the way we think, feel, and act in unexpected ways
- Practical steps to take right now, to find more inner peace amidst the divisiveness
- How to communicate with people when we disagree in a way they might actually listen
Define Your Moral Compass
Core values can help guide your decisions, but which ones matter? Rooted In Decency builds on extensive research to help you create your moral compass and to know how to use it to navigate today’s complex issues. Skip ahead to Part 3 of Rooted In Decency for topics like:
- Which four core human values show up over and over in leadership books, self-help guides, and wellness research—and why?
- How can Value Continuums provide a framework to help you decide where the lines are in the gray, nuanced areas of today’s moral dilemmas?
- How can you explain your values in a way other people understand and respect?

Engaging, Conversational Tone
Rooted in Decency is written in straightforward language for a busy audience. The chapters are brief conversations that each offer "a-ha" insights that may change the way you see today's culture, and offer practical steps for how we can move forward toward more cooperation and trust.
Browse the Table of Contents
Learn more at RootedinDecency.com
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Join the conversation about personal values, and shared values.

Table of Contents
1. Finding Lasting Happiness
Why happiness comes and goes, and how that’s a good thing.
2. Mindless Thinking
How extreme thinking is knocking us off-balance
3. The Body's Language
How there’s a positive side to “negative” emotions
4. Spirited Connection
How feeding your spirit includes a side dish of happiness and meaning
5. Self-Respect vs. Self-Esteem
Why it’s good to feel bad sometimes
6. You be You—Unless You’re a Jerk
Why we voluntarily give up some freedoms to be part of society
7. Competing Moral Priorities
Why people think they’re “right” when others think they’re “wrong”
8. Us Versus Them
How group identity isn’t the real problem - Read a sample
9. The Contagion of Cruelty and Kindness
In a world with so much negativity, why bother trying?
10. The Myth of Perfection
Why life is a series of moments for practicing who you want to be
11. Right and Wrong
Where do moral values come from?
12. Shared Values
Which values do the world's belief systems have in common?
13. Defining a Moral Compass
What are your guiding principles?
14. What is Truth?
Why we paint the truth in shades of gray - Read a sample
15. Trust Me
Why the truth still matters
16. The Post-Truth Con
Why people lie and why we’re willing to believe them
17. What is Respect?
How too little and too much respect are destabilizing society - Read a sample
18. Working Against Ourselves
Why you can't disrespect (or shame) someone into agreeing with you
19. What is Responsibility?
Why responsibility is a blend of empowerment and justice
20. Life After Victimhood
How to move society past a grievance state
21. What is Compassion?
Why compassion is not about eliminating suffering
22. The Bright Side
How a little perspective changes everything
Book Details

ISBN Print: 978-0-9849056-6-9
ISBN ebook: 978-0-9849056-7-6
Pages: 338
Published: Oct 4, 2022
Learn more at RootedinDecency.com